I was recently tasked via an assignment to write a paper, publishable in a reputable legal journal, on the “Five weaknesses of the business rescue procedure in South Africa”. The task was set by the brilliant and indomitable Professor Juanita Calitz.
This was partly in pursuance of the respected Certified Business Rescue Analyst certification at the prestigious University of Pretoria. The qualification itself is overseen by the Turnaround Management Association – the South African chapter.
It allows one to practice as an official Business Rescue Practitioner – an official of the courts in South Africa.
I was awarded a distinction for my work. You can download it from the link below. Let me know what you think!
Why am I pursuing the path of Business Rescue?
Those that know me, know that I go out of my way to help individuals with their finances. I am now the most demanded financial adviser and financial planner in South Africa.
My business partners and clients requested that I extend my talent and passion to rescue businesses in financial distress.
Why would a financial adviser dabble with business rescue?
Because it ultimately is a form of financial advice, requires investment advice in the form of post commencement finance and it saves businesses that provide jobs!
And this is where I thrive.
Like when I entered financial services to show people that I can be the broker that they can trust, I want to now show directors, creditors, suppliers, employees and business owners that there will soon be a BRP (business rescue practitioner) that they can trust to be ethical and provide an honest view on whether there is a reasonable prospect of saving their business or place of work, in financial distress.
If there is a reasonable prospect, I will remain committed to map out and implement the business rescue plan in the quickest time possible.
Wish me all the best!