Save up to 90% on your insurance premiums!

Save 90% on insurance
It’s time to save!

Save up to 90% on your insurance premiums! There are many insurance companies out there and each one offers a different premium. So, how do you know if you are paying too much for your insurance? In this article, we will explore some tips on how to save on your insurance premiums.

What are insurance premiums?

Insurance premiums are the regular payments that you make to an insurance company in order to keep your policy active. The amount of your premium depends on a number of factors, including the type of insurance you have, the amount of coverage you need, and the deductible you choose.

Most people pay their insurance premiums annually. However, some companies offer the option to pay semi-annually or even monthly. If you choose to pay monthly, you will usually have to pay a small processing fee in addition to your premium.

Paying your insurance premiums on time is important because if you miss a payment, your policy could be cancelled. If you cancel your policy, you will likely have to pay a higher premium to reinstate it.

There are a few ways that you can save money on your insurance premiums. One way is to shop around and compare rates from different companies. Another way is to choose a higher deductible. This means that you will have to pay more out-of-pocket if you need to file a claim, but it can also lead to lower premiums.

How can you reduce your insurance premiums?

There are several things you can do to reduce your insurance premiums. One is to shop around and compare rates from different companies. This is hard work and takes a lot of time.  At Virtual Adviser, we do the hard work for you.  Contact us to help you to save up to 90% on your insurance premiums! 

Besides shopping around for you, we also have relationships with large insurance companies that allow for discounts that you will never have direct access to.  Finally, we have developed a bidding system that allows the lowest bidder with the best service track record to win you as a client.  Now that is amazing!

Another is to choose a higher deductible. This means you will have to pay more out of pocket if you have an accident, but it will lower your monthly payments. You can also consider dropping some of the coverage you don’t need, such as collision or comprehensive coverage.

What are the benefits of reducing your insurance premiums?

There are several benefits to reducing your insurance premiums. First, it can save you money. Second, it can help you get better rates in the future. Third, it can improve your credit score. And fourth, it can reduce the amount of time you spend on the phone with your insurance company.

How to reduce your insurance premiums

There are a few things you can do to reduce your insurance premiums. One is to shop around and compare rates from different companies. Another is to choose a higher deductible. This means you will have to pay more out of pocket if you have an accident, but it will lower your monthly premium. You can also try to get discounts for things like having a good driving record or taking a defensive driving course.

Sometimes, you can also get a reduction in your premium if you agree to have a tracking device installed in your car. This device tracks your driving habits and reports them back to the insurance company. If you are a safe driver, you may be eligible for a discount.

Finally, remember that your insurance premium is just one factor to consider when choosing an insurance company. You should also look at things like the company’s financial stability and customer service record. Choose the company that offers the best overall value, not just the lowest price.  Virtual Adviser will help you to do just that.

Case Study: Joe reduces his insurance premiums by 90%

Joe is a young man in his early 30s. He’s been driving for about 10 years and has never had an accident. He has always been a safe driver and has never had any speeding tickets.

Joe decided to shop around for a new car insurance policy and was surprised to find that he could reduce his premiums by 10%. He was able to do this by increasing his deductible excess from R500 to R1000. 

Joe then approached Virtual Adviser to reduce his premiums even further.  We shopped around with 9 providers and had each one of them bid against each other to have Joe as a client – after all, Joe has not made a claim in the last three years and is thus a high value client.  Virtual Adviser managed to reduce Joe’s premium by a whopping 90%

Joe is now saving R9000 a year on his car insurance premiums. He is happy that he was able to find such a great deal and is now able to save money towards his Tax free Investment.  Virtual Adviser estimates that the R9000 savings from Joe’s insurance, when invest into our recommended tax free saving products, will grow to R80 000 over the next 5 years!

Save up to 90% on your insurance premiums! Conclusion

Did you know that you can up to 90% of your insurance premiums? This is a huge saving that can make a big difference in your budget. Make sure to have Virtual Adviser shop around for you and compare prices before you purchase any policy.