Entrepreneurs, Effectuation Will Help You

Entrepreneurs: in this article, we’ll be discussing effectuation – a theory of causation that is often applied to entrepreneurship. We’ll explore what effectuation is, how it works, and whether or not it can be used in other areas outside of entrepreneurship. What is Effectuation? Effectuation is a theory of entrepreneurship that suggests that entrepreneurs create …

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Income Protection Insurance: 3 Reasons Why

Insurance, in general, is a grudge purchase. From all the insurances (life, car, home, credit and funeral), we believe that you should protect your income first. Income determines the quality of life you live. Consequently, income protection insurance is very important. In this article, we discuss income protection insurance. Then we highlight three more reasons …

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Which is the best Medical Aid in South Africa?

Google the question: “Which is the best Medical Aid in South Africa?” You will find that the answer varies. Some researchers use complaints via Hellopeter.com and the Council for Medical Schemes as a measure. Others use customer satisfaction indices to get an answer. No matter what research method employed, the outcome is never consistent. The …

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Measuring Depression

Waking up from a reverie… My phone rang frantically on a humid and lazy Sunday afternoon . Numbers I could not recognize. I reluctantly answered. “Joey …. it’s me… John…” Joey is the name that only my closest buddies know me as. But this voice I did not hear for more than 20 years. In …

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